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Oregon MESA – Demo Day Portland
March 2, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 1:30 pm
Demo Day – Portland
Hosted by Oregon MESA
Demo Day is our community showcase where MESA students present the invention projects they have been working on and get valuable feedback from the community. According to this year’s theme, ‘Climate Action: Designing for Environmental Conservation,’ student teams have been working with a client in their community to design projects that protect, preserve and guard environmental resources from the negative impacts of humans and their activities. Students use the principles of human-centered design and invention education when developing these client-focused solutions.
Register now and check out the amazing projects at Demo Day, our only annual competition that is open to the public!
Registration will be open from January 16th – February 26th.
Note: This Demo Day features students from the entire Portland region, including Multnomah, Washington & East Counties.
Order of Events / Orden de eventos
- 10:00 AM | Guests arrive, fair and judging begins Llegan los invitados, comienza la competencia
- 11:30 AM | Awards Ceremony Presentar premios
- 12:30 PM | End of event for guests Fin del evento para los invitados
- 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM | Lunch for students and families Almuerzo para estudiantes y familias
- 1:30 PM | End of event Fin del evento